Effective May 11, 2023, the COVID-19 health emergency ends.
The following COVID-19 Prevention Plan is suspended.
The Howell Carnegie District Library has enacted a Covid-19 Prevention Plan in accordance with OHSA‘s (Occupational Health & Safety Administration) Protecting Workers: Guidance on Mitigating and Preventing the Spread of COVID-19 in the Workplace, updated August 13, 2021. The purpose of this plan is “to identify COVID-19 exposure risks to workers who are unvaccinated or otherwise at-risk, and to help them take appropriate steps to prevent exposure and infection.”
OSHA (Federal) and MIOSHA require employers to be responsible for providing a safe and healthy workplace free from recognized hazards likely to cause death or serious physical harm.
As of June 22, 2021 (MIOSHA), the library no longer need to take steps to protect their workers from COVID-19 exposure in any workplace, or well-defined portions of a workplace, where all employees are fully vaccinated. Employers should still take steps to protect unvaccinated or otherwise at-risk workers in their workplaces, or well-defined portions of workplaces.
Following and CDC recommendations, the Howell Library:
Following OSHA Guidance, CDC recommendations and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Ongoing Response to COVID-19 Cycle the Howell Library:
Grants paid time off for employees to get a COVID-19 vaccine. This includes employees who do not normally accrue sick time.
Instructs any employees/volunteers who are:
- Infected with Covid-19
- unvaccinated workers who have had close contact with someone who tested positive for Covid-19,
- all workers with COVID-19 symptoms
To stay home from work to prevent or reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19.
Instructs any employees/volunteers who:
- is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or has a confirmed/positive COVID-19 diagnosis
- is an unvaccinated worker who has been exposed to someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19
To inform Holly Ward Lamb as soon as possible. If Holly Ward Lamb is not available, then they should contact Diane McKee. If Diane McKee is not available, then they should contact their supervisor. The library will consult current CDC Quarantine and Isolation guidelines to determine if, or how long, the employee should stay home from work.
Advises all unvaccinated employees to socially distance, generally at least 6 feet of distance, from others.
Provides employees, regardless of vaccine status, with face coverings or surgical masks. When the COVID-19 Community Level is high, all employees will be required to wear a mask regardless of vaccination status.
Encourages all employees to understand basis facts about Covid-19:
- COVID-19 is a highly infectious disease that is spread from person to person, including through aerosol transmission of particles produced when an infected person exhales, talks, vocalizes, sneezes, or coughs.
- COVID-19 is less commonly transmitted when people touch a contaminated object and then touch their eyes, nose or mouth.
- The virus that causes COVID-19 is highly transmissible and can be spread by people who have no symptoms and who do not know they are infected.
- More information on COVID-19 is available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Maintains the library’s ventilation systems.
Performs routine cleaning and disinfection. If an employee/volunteer who has been in the library within 24 hours is suspected of having or confirmed to have COVID-19, the library will follow the CDC cleaning and disinfection recommendations.
Record and report COVID-19 infections and deaths
Follows other applicable mandatory OSHA and MI-OSHA standards
Staff with questions or concerns should contact the Director, Holly Ward Lamb.
The Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1974 gives employees the right to file complaints about workplace safety and health hazards. Further, the Act gives complainants the right to request that their names not be revealed to their employers. Complaints from employees and their representatives are taken seriously by MIOSHA. For information on how to file a complaint with MIOHSA see their website.
Approved August, 2021
Updated April 2022
Updated May 2023