Howell Carnegie Library Events for Teens
Events Between 02-14-2025 and 03-16-2025
Presidents' Day Scavenger Hunt
February 17, 2025 09:00AM-07:00PM @ Youth Services Department (no seat limit)
Stop by the Youth Services Department to pick up a Presidents' Day-themed scavenger hunt. Show your completed scavenger hunt to library staff to get a prize!
Please stay home if you are sick.
This event takes place on Presidents' Day.
Cow Eye Dissection (grades 4-8)
February 17, 2025 03:30PM-04:30PM @ (30 seats)
Students will work individually to dissect a real cow's eye to investigate the organ's inner workings! Participants will make connections to eye structure through this hands-on exploration.
Registration is required and begins at 9am on Monday, February 3.
Please stay home if you are sick.
This event takes place on Presidents' Day.
Teen Volunteer Session (grades 6-12)
February 18, 2025 05:45PM-06:45PM @ Youth Services Department (2 seats)
Teens (grades 6-12) can earn volunteer hours and help support the library by assisting Youth Department staff with specific tasks such as using a die-cut machine to cut out shapes, cleaning toys, finding books, and more.
This session runs Tuesday, February 18 and 25, 5:45-6:45pm. Please let library staff know if you need your hours tracked.
Registration is required for this volunteer session and begins at 9am on Tuesday, February 4. Please register each teen individually.
Please stay home if you are sick.
Teen Volunteer Session (grades 6-12)
February 25, 2025 05:45PM-06:45PM @ Youth Services Department (2 seats)
Teens (grades 6-12) can earn volunteer hours and help support the library by assisting Youth Department staff with specific tasks such as using a die-cut machine to cut out shapes, cleaning toys, finding books, and more.
This session runs Tuesday, February 18 and 25, 5:45-6:45pm. Please let library staff know if you need your hours tracked.
Registration is required for this volunteer session and begins at 9am on Tuesday, February 4. Please register each teen individually.
Please stay home if you are sick.
Teen Rubber Duck-orating (grades 6-12)
February 27, 2025 05:30PM-06:30PM @ Meabon Room - Howell Carnegie Library (20 seats)
We will have rubber ducks of every variety and all the supplies you'll need to make a Spider-Man duck, a Taylor Swift duck, or anything else you can think of! There will also be lots of pizza, snacks, and time to hang with your friends. This free event is for students in grades 6-12.
Registration is required and begins at 9am on Thursday, February 13.
A minimum of 8 registered participants is necessary for this event to proceed as scheduled.
Please stay home if you are sick.
Teen Volunteer Session (grades 6-12)
March 03, 2025 03:30PM-04:30PM @ Youth Services Department (2 seats)
Teens (grades 6-12) can earn volunteer hours and help support the library by assisting Youth Department staff with specific tasks such as using a die-cut machine to cut out shapes, cleaning toys, finding books, and more.
This session runs Monday, March 3 and 10, 3:30-4:30pm. Please let library staff know if you need your hours tracked.
Registration is required for this volunteer session and begins at 9am on Monday, February 17. Please register each teen individually.
Please stay home if you are sick.
Teen Volunteer Session (grades 6-12)
March 06, 2025 03:30PM-04:30PM @ Youth Services Department (2 seats)
Teens (grades 6-12) can earn volunteer hours and help support the library by assisting Youth Department staff with specific tasks such as using a die-cut machine to cut out shapes, cleaning toys, finding books, and more.
This session runs Thursday, March 6 and 13, 3:30-4:30pm. Please let library staff know if you need your hours tracked.
Registration is required for this volunteer session and begins at 9am on Thursday, Febraury 20. Please register each teen individually.
Please stay home if you are sick.
Teen Volunteer Session (grades 6-12)
March 10, 2025 03:30PM-04:30PM @ Youth Services Department (2 seats)
Teens (grades 6-12) can earn volunteer hours and help support the library by assisting Youth Department staff with specific tasks such as using a die-cut machine to cut out shapes, cleaning toys, finding books, and more.
This session runs Monday, March 3 and 10, 3:30-4:30pm. Please let library staff know if you need your hours tracked.
Registration is required for this volunteer session and begins at 9am on Monday, February 17. Please register each teen individually.
Please stay home if you are sick.
STEAM Club: Oil Spill Cleanup (grades 3-6)
March 10, 2025 06:00PM-06:45PM @ Meabon Room - Howell Carnegie Library (14 seats)
Our STEAM Club explores Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math principles for upper elementary students. This month, participants will experiment with the effectiveness of different items to absorb oil.
Registration is required and begins at 9am on Monday, February 24.
Please stay home if you are sick.
Teen Volunteer Session (grades 6-12)
March 13, 2025 03:30PM-04:30PM @ Youth Services Department (2 seats)
Teens (grades 6-12) can earn volunteer hours and help support the library by assisting Youth Department staff with specific tasks such as using a die-cut machine to cut out shapes, cleaning toys, finding books, and more.
This session runs Thursday, March 6 and 13, 3:30-4:30pm. Please let library staff know if you need your hours tracked.
Registration is required for this volunteer session and begins at 9am on Thursday, Febraury 20. Please register each teen individually.
Please stay home if you are sick.
Middle School Madness: Clue IRL (grades 6-8)
March 14, 2025 03:30PM-06:00PM @ Colbert Room - Howell Carnegie Library, Meabon Room - Howell Carnegie Library (20 seats)
Love to have fun? Love to spend time with your friends? This is the place for you!
In this exciting game of Clue IRL, you will be assigned a character and will have to collect clues and figure out puzzles and riddles to solve our mystery. There will also be lots of snacks, games, and time to hang out with your friends.
Registration is required and begins at 9am on Friday, February 28.
Please note:
- This free, after-hours event is only for middle school-aged students (grades 6-8).
- Middle schoolers must be picked up promptly at the back door at 6pm.
- A minimum of 8 registered teens is necessary for this event to proceed as scheduled.
Please stay home if you are sick.