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– Indicates premium resources that may be used anywhere with your Howell Library Card. – Indicates content that is provided by MeL, the Michigan eLibrary. Can be used anywhere with your Howell Library Card.
Short video tutorials on several basic computer skills for new users or those needing a quick refresher.
GCF LearnFree
More than 180 topics, including more than 2,000 lessons, 800+ videos, and 55+ interactives and games for basic & intermediate levels covering technology, online literacy, & math skills.
GED Testing Service
Take the official practice test or locate a testing center.
GetSetUp Michigan Learning Channel
Free live, interactive online classes designed for older adults taught by older adults to keep minds active, engage with others, increase the ability to live independently, learn new things, and, most importantly, have fun! View this brief video about the program. Offered by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and GetSetUp
Khan Academy
Learn almost anything for free. Everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and hundreds of skills to practice. Learn what you want, when you want, at your own pace.
Michigan Teacher Certification Test Study Guides
Study guides with practice questions.
Microsoft Digital Literacy
Learn how to effectively use devices, software, and the internet to collaborate with others and discover, use, and create information.
Preparing you for U.S. Citizenship
ProCitizen (Español)
Preparación para obtener la ciudadanía estadounidense
Tech Boomers is a free educational website that teaches older adults and others with basic computer skills how to use popular websites and apps.