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– Indicates premium resources that may be used anywhere with your Howell Library Card.
– Indicates content that is provided by MeL, the Michigan eLibrary. Can be used anywhere with your Howell Library Card.
Access Genealogy
Links to more than 24,000 genealogy websites.
Atlas of Historical County Boundaries
This website tracks how and when county boundaries changed in all 50 states, so you will always know the correct place to look for the genealogical records you need to conduct your research.
Billion Graves
World’s largest resource for searchable GPS cemetery data
Chronicling America
Newspaper digitization project run by the Library of Congress.
Chronicling America Digitized Newspapers – Michigan Collection
A collection of Michigan newspapers that have been digitized through the National Digital Newspaper Project.
Cyndi’s List
Comprehensive list of links for online research
Digital Archive of the Howell Carnegie Library Archives
Digital Collection of the holdings of the Howell Carnegie Library Archives, including obituaries and early newspaper microfilm.
Digital Michigan Newspapers
A comprehensive list of Michigan newspaper titles available online from various institutions including the Clarke Historical Library and Library of Congress.
Ellis Island Passenger Search
Search immigration records and passenger lists.
Family Search
Access to millions of original-source documents from around the world. Some records may only be viewed after a free account is created.
Transcriptions (many with photographs and other information) of more than 112 million burials.
Historical military records. Basic membership is free, however, a fee is required for unlimited access.
Historical Society of Michigan
Resources pertaining to the history of Michigan.
Howell Carnegie District Library Archive-It Collections
Collections include web archives for all funeral home websites and news websites for Livingston County, MI.
Livingston County Daily Press & Argus Digital Archives
Full-text and searchable from 1843 – 2018.
Livingston County Genealogical Society
Encourages and assists in the study of family histories.
Michigan County Histories
Michigan county atlases & histories.
Michigan Genealogical Council’s Michigan Research Tools
Links to non-commercial genealogy resources of particular interest in Michigan.
Find Michigan death records, historical documents, plat maps, and survey maps of Michigan township parcels.
Michigan Genealogy on the Web.
Military Indexes
A directory of links to online military indexes and records for USA genealogy research. Included are rosters, databases of soldiers, draft card databases for World War I and II, and listings of military and war casualties.
MyHeritage Library Edition
One of the largest, most internationally diverse genealogy databases of its kind. Access to billions of historical documents, millions of historical photos and other resources in thousands of databases that span the past five centuries.
Philip Livingston Chapter, NSDAR
Local NSDAR chapter information and links.
Owned by but free to use. Good message boards and WorldConnect family tree.
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
Michigan maps pre-1900 available through the Library of Congress.
US GenWeb Project
Genealogy websites for every county in every state across the country.
US National Archives
Helpful guides, charts, and information on accessing government records that are not available online
World GenWeb Project
Similar to US GenWeb Project, but worldwide.
Local History Preserved
Howell Carnegie Library Archives
The Archives collects, organizes, and maintains printed items, articles, memorabilia, photographs, and written materials of historical significance to Livingston County, Michigan.
Location: Ground floor of the Howell Carnegie District Library
Phone: 517.546.0720 extension 129
Local History Room
The Local History Room contains books and print materials on genealogy and topics relating to Livingston County and Howell in particular, as well as newspaper microfilm for area newspapers. The Local History Room is available whenever the library is open. You must sign-in at the Information Desk on the main level and fill out a research form.
Technology Available:
- Computers with genealogy tools
- Scanner
- Microfilm reader/printer

Other Local Libraries
Brighton District Library/Brighton Room
Cromaine District Library/Local History
Fowlerville District Library/Local History Room
Pinckney Community Library/Local History
LCP Online
Our microfilm holdings for the Livingston Daily Press & Argus have now been digitized! The LCP in all its historical incarnations from 1843 to the present is now available and fully searchable online from our computers within the library. Whether you’re a genealogist or just a history buff, this resource will be a great help in your search. Stop in today and we’ll show you how to get started!