The library shall cooperate fully with all responsible news media representatives in order that the public may be more fully informed about the operations of the library. The library director shall be the official spokesperson for the Howell Carnegie District Library.
News Releases
Routine news and information concerning library events and programs may be released to the press by or with the approval of the department head overseeing the event or program. All other news releases prepared for public distribution under the auspices of the library by employees or board members of the library must have the approval of the library director or, in the case of a vacancy in the position of the library director, the Library Board of Trustees prior to release.
Feature Stories
If a staff or board member is approached by a news media representative concerning a feature story about the library or wishes to initiate a feature story about the library for the news media he/she must get authorization from the library director.
Emergency or Crisis Communications
If an emergency or crisis occurs, the library director, department head or building supervisor and/ or senior maintenance custodian shall be notified. If necessary, a team will be put together to assist with information, decisions, logistics, media contacts and other agency contacts.
Approved 12/12/95