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– Indicates premium resources that may be used anywhere with your Howell Library Card.
– Indicates content that is provided by MeL, the Michigan eLibrary. Can be used anywhere with your Howell Library Card.
Alldata Online
Comprehensive resource for automotive diagnostic and repair information. Must be used in Internet Explorer. Must be used inside the library.
Auto Repair Source
Service and repair information for thousands, of domestic and imported vehicles. All content comes from the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) and includes step-by-step repair information, diagrams, maintenance schedules, parts and labor estimates, service bulletins and recalls. Designed for touch-enabled devices such as laptops and tablets, Auto Repair Source offers a user-friendly search experience and access to a wealth of information to help users diagnose, repair and maintain today’s complex vehicles. Diagrams and images can be easily magnified and printed.
CommuterConnect MI
A trip planning and commuter-matching service for Southeast Michigan.
DMV Practice Tests – Michigan
Take practice tests for obtaining/renewing your driver’s license in Michigan.
Kelley Blue Book
Used car trade-in and retail values, new car prices, reviews.
Michigan Department of Transportation
Real-time traffic and road construction conditions.
Michigan Secretary of State
Driver’s license, vehicle registration, and online services.
NADA Appraisal Guides
Vehicle pricing and information.
Find information on crash test ratings, recalls and investigations, complaints, car seats, and more.