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– Indicates premium resources that may be used anywhere with your Howell Library Card.
– Indicates content that is provided by MeL, the Michigan eLibrary. Can be used anywhere with your Howell Library Card.
Short video tutorials on several basic computer skills for new users or those needing a quick refresher.
Downtown Howell Job Openings
An up-to-date list of job openings in downtown Howell maintained by Howell Main Street/DDA
Employment Services for People Experiencing Homelessness
A list of resources written by’s Career Advisory Team that explains services that can provide employment support for people experiencing homelessness.
GCF LearnFree
More than 180 topics, including more than 2,000 lessons, 800+ videos, and 55+ interactives and games for basic & intermediate levels covering technology, online literacy, & math skills.
Helping Hand
A guide to assistance resources for Michigan citizens.
Michigan Civil Service Commission
Career services, rules and regulations, and more.
Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency
File unemployment claims.
Michigan Works!
Provides services and support for both employers and job seekers.
O-Net Online
Detailed descriptions and information on hundreds of occupations.
Pure Michigan Talent Connect
Pure Michigan Talent Connect is your launch pad for new jobs, careers and talent. It is an online marketplace connecting Michigan’s job seekers and employers, and serves as a central hub linking all public and private stakeholders who support Michigan’s workforce. Pure Michigan Talent Connect serves as the state’s labor exchange system.
USA Jobs
Official job site of the U.S. Federal Government.